At Global Exports and Trade, LLC, we cover a variety of areas and function as is an intermediary company capable of finding foreign markets opportunities and buyers for your products.
95 % of the world’s potential consumers are outside of the United States
The value of U.S. good services exports was an impressive $2.3 trillion for 2017. Today exports continues to grow.
Manufacturers can enter international markets without disrupting their domestic distribution
Only 5% of American companies export, not realizing export options
FTA partner countries accounted for nearly half of all U.S. goods exports
The United States has negotiated free trade agreements (FTA) with 20 countries to support easier movement of goods across the border, where your customer are
**Source of above facts, the U.S. Department of Commerce
Product representation
Global Exports and Trade, LLC becomes your EMC to the world of export opportunities. We take on the role of of introducing and market your products in an oversea market while keeping your company competitive in domestically.
Trade events and invitations
This involves traveling to foreign countries by EMC representatives and meeting with U.S. delegates within the foreign county. Meet face-to-face with company executive that can make purchasing decision on products manufacturers produce.
Is your company a manufacturer, producer or major wholesaler seeking to penetrate the U.S Market?
Are you looking for a U.S. Sales Representative to represent your products?
Are you seeking Trade Show assistance to introduce your company’s products and services to the U.S. market?
For non-U.S. based companies seeking representation,
we can help!